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[Ewha Womans University Library] How to Use Cyber Campus(E-Class)

EwhaLibrary 2021. 3. 5. 14:41


Is a lecture on how to find information materials and how to use such materials using the library. It’s an online class for students who have not been able to use the library, and it will be a great help writing assignments in liberal arts and major classes as it contains how to use plagiarism prevention systems and understanding information search education. Has the advantage of being able to listen to it anytime, anywhere and the attached file is good to refer to.



Course registration through Cyber Campus can be done only by PC. (Registration is not possible through mobile devices.)

Courses can be taken anytime, anywhere using PC or the CyberCampus app.







Tip. how to use hompage and e-book have subtitles.

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*이 게시글은 도서관 서포터즈 6기 김세은과 마리아 학생에 의해 제작되었습니다.


update. 2022.02.21