Press/Ewha Voice

[이화여자대학교 도서관] 2020. 11. 09 [Ewha Voice] Library offers guidelines for safe usage

EwhaLibrary 2020. 11. 10. 09:19

Library offers guidelines for safe usage



Following the start of hybrid classes starting on Oct. 5, Ewha Womans University Library (Library) opened for service with a few adjustments.

The Library Stacks from second to the fifth floor are opened from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays. On Saturdays, it runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. while Sundays are closed.

As students can study in desks provided in the Stacks, any undergraduates or graduates who need to use electronic devices for resources could relieve their inconveniences. Every seat is opened for use in the Stacks, but Creative Learning Rooms are closed.

The mostly used area in the Library which is the A/V Room is available for use. However, only single seats can be reserved from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A/V Rooms are not for service on weekends.

Lounge and Laptop Computer Rooms located in the first-floor are opened for a limited time. In weekdays, these facilities can be used in the same time range as the Stacks. On Saturdays, they are opened from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Seats in the Lounge have been rearranged due to social distancing protocols, therefore, making seats available to students than usual. The Laptop Computers are not available to alumni. West entrance in the first-floor will only be closed at 5 p.m. on weekdays, therefore students must use the main entrance to use the second-floor after 5 p.m.

Facilities that are closed throughout the fall semester are Reading Room, PC Room, Cafeteria (Convenient Store) in the B1 floor of the Library. Fortunately, the preparations for opening the YBM reading rooms are underway. The Library has been preparing thermal cameras and prevention guidelines that will be notified for students.


As of Nov. 4, Ewha Womans University Library Access Services & Collection Development Team which is in charge of YBM reading room replied to Ewha Voice that they will reopen from Nov. 5.

Students who wish to study in the Library will not be concerned with the seats being occupied from the opening time unlike the ECC reading rooms.

According to the data the staff gave on the occupation of the Library seats, they are usually available even in examination periods. She showed Ewha Voice the percentage of how many seats are filled in the Library’s seats from the first to the fifth floor. During examination periods, which is when students use the Library the most, 50 to 60 percent of seats are occupied. Besides that, in regular periods, 35 to 40 percent of the seats are occupied.

To prevent possible contagion, sanitizing sprays are provided for students to clean their seats before use. Thermal cameras are placed at the second-floor main entrance and the first-floor west entrance to monitor students with fever.

Wearing masks are mandatory and if there are any students violating this rule they will be prohibited from using the Library for limited periods. If a student is found without a mask for the first time, she will be given a warning. The second and third time the student is not following protocols, they will be notified a 30 and 90 day prohibition to the Library respectively.


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