Press/Ewha Voice

[이화여자대학교 도서관] 2020. 05. 18 [Ewha Voice] Ewha Centennial Library holds event to share students’ experiences with nature in campus

EwhaLibrary 2020. 5. 26. 13:24

Ewha Centennial Library holds event to share students’ experiences

with nature in campus


Ewha Centennial Library is holding an event sharing students’ experiences with nature in campus from May 4 to 29. In order to participate, students must upload a photo that shows any form of natural landscape found on campus on their social media with the specified hashtags. Also, they must leave a comment about which book they want to read from the exhibition. The exhibition is held in the central library, composed of four categories related to human and nature. In total, 24 books are introduced from all categories.


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