Press/Ewha Voice

[이화여자대학교 도서관] 2019. 05. 27 [Ewha Voice] School organizes exhibition on Hermann Hesse

EwhaLibrary 2020. 5. 26. 13:13

School organizes exhibition on Hermann Hesse


University Library held an exhibition on Herman Hesse from May 20 to 30. The purpose of the exhibition was to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Demian, one of Hesses's most renown work. Students looked at Hesse's work and also participated in events on recommending books or solving quizzes on the author. As an additional event, Bae Su-ah, author and graduate of Ewha, gave a lecture at University Library on May 21. During the lecture, author Bae Su-ah answered questions that students wrote in advance on the online application form.


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