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Press/Ewha Voice

[이화여자대학교 도서관] 2014. 11. 17 [Ewha Voice] Ewha Library implements Turnitin to prevent plagiarism

EwhaLibrary 2015. 7. 30. 14:58

The Ewha Womans University Library, with the support of Ewha University-Industry Collaboration Foundation, started the Turnitin system from Oct. 1.


The service will be on trial until Dec. 31, and will be officially implemented in January 2015.


Turnitin is a system used worldwide to prevent plagiarism. It allows users to check plagiarism beforehand for papers and assignments by comparing them with the data on web page, major newspapers, magazines, journals, papers and assignments.


“There have been many voices from students and especially from professors for the need of services that can prevent plagiarism,” said Hong kyoung-bok, an official of the University Library. “Thus we have decided to implement this system according to meet the demands and to help students check their papers or assignments again.”


The process of Turnitin begins with professors or library creating classes. Professors can create classes, or assignment boxes where students can upload their papers to use Turnitin.


Because only current students can utilize the system, students should make their Turnitin accounts by using Ewha’s email, which includes “@ewha.ac.kr” or “@ewhain.net" to verify their identity.”


Once the accounts are made, students can log into Turnitin to search for classes. They can then upload their assignments or papers to check for plagiarism.


“I think the device will reduce the fear of being exposed to plagiarism,” Kim Ji-hyun (English, 3) said. “As an English major student who writes a lot of papers, I am sometimes afraid that I may conduct plagiarism unintentionally. Using this service will help me double check assignments.”


The official of the Ewha Womans University Library hopes Turnitin can be a useful tool for undergraduate students.


“Most students know that plagiarism is dangerous,” Hong said.“However, sometimes plagiarism happens unintentionally. I hope students can utilize the system to go through their papers and assignments if the documents they referred are under the danger of plagiarism.”


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